When you thump your piece down after each brilliant move, the computer gizmo registers it and then calculates its more brilliant counter-move - within seconds. Battery operated - 6 C batteries (not included).Good Working condition. Radio Shack Chess Champion 2150LGarry Kasperov edition.Original box. Radio Shack Chess Champion 2150l Manual Up for bid and your consideration is this Vintage Radio Shack Chess Champion Electronic Chess Set.
You set up the chess pieces on an electronically sensitized board. The device is user-friendly, even though it can beat your pants off. You'd have to be awfully good to whip this tray-size wonder. What everyone doesn't know is that a computer chess playing program that can already beat about 97 percent of ordinary mortal players is available today as a portable electronic gizmo down at your local Radio Shack store. Yet, as everyone seems to know, no computer program built yet can beat a human chess grand master. The crystal logic of the game of chess made it a perfect test-bed for experiments in machine intelligence.
The history of computing can be told as the history of chess playing programs.